
Swift Slot Machine Tutorial

Read our Casino Game Tutorials as a way to brush up on the rules to some of the most popular casino card games. After reading these articles you'll be ready to play casino games with the best card sharks in the world.

  1. Slot machines are referred to as slots, pokies, 1-arm bandits, fruit machines and poker machines. Players will place wagers in the form of coins (or virtual coins if it is an online slot) in order to spin the reels of the game.
  2. Browse our Swift 5 Starter Kits; Role Playing Games Kit. Slot Machine Code Tutorial with Xcode. Slot Machine Code Tutorial with Xcode. April 15, 2016 Justin.

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Swift Slot Machine Tutorial

Some of the most popular casino games, such as blackjack, poker, craps and roulette are all depicted in this photo gallery. See some of your favorite casino games in this collection of images.

In this @Minecraft Bedrock Edition ( Xbox / PS4 / MCPE / Windows 10 / Switch ) redstone tutorial I show you how to make a fully functional slot machine! A dynamic page content container for PHP 5.3 through PHP 7.0 and HHVM. Version 1.0 is fully released, build on top of Pimple 1.0. Version 2.0 provides compatibility with PHP 7, Symfony 3 and Pimple 2.


Craps is a fast-moving casino table game. An average speed at a busy blackjack table runs around 60 hands per hour, but the house expects about 100 decisions per hour at craps. Learn to play.

By John Grochowski


Of all the casino games, blackjack is the one that is actually possible to beat. As a result, blackjack is by far the most popular table game in the United States. Learn how to play -- and increase your odds of winning.

By John Grochowski



Roulette is a game of pure chance that doesn't require skill. The key is to know how to bet and when to cut your losses before the wheel stops. Learn how to play roulette.

By John Grochowski

Video poker adds an aspect that slot machines don't offer -- the elements of skill and challenge. Players have decisions to make that can affect the outcome of the game. Learn how to play video poker effectively by understanding the deck and different hands.

By John Grochowski

In the not-too-distant past, slot-machine players were the second-class citizens of in the casino world. Now, slots make up the bulk of casino business. Do you know how to play?

By John Grochowski

If you’ve ever stepped foot in a casino, you’ve undoubtedly noticed the craps tables –- that’s where all the cheers are coming from. Craps is an exciting game because it’s very hands-on for the players, but it’s also quite complex. Learn all about betting odds and etiquette at the craps table.

By Lee Ann Obringer



Blackjack (also known as '21') is one of the most popular casino games, at least partly because the rules are easy to grasp. There's one aim: Get as close to 21 as possible.

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Slot machines may be computerized now, but they’re still the most popular gambling attraction at many casinos. While we can’t tell you how to improve your chances, we will explain how the machines are constructed and how to calculate the odds of winning.

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Now that Swift has been around for several years there’s no shortage of teaching material to help you learn it quickly and efficiently. Even better, there are some high-quality books, blogs, and video resources that are available free of charge, so if you want to dive in there is no excuse other than being unsure where to start.

Everyone learns differently, and what works for you might not work for someone else. So, I’ve tried to split learners into nine broad categories, and for each category list a free resource to help you get started.

Hopefully you can find something useful below, but if there’s some other way you like to learn get in touch!

SPONSOREDLearn SwiftUI to craft awesome iOS 14 apps! BLCKBIRDS has a new book called Interactive Mastering SwiftUI, designed to teach you all you need to know to build beautiful iOS 14 apps using SwiftUI. Step-by-step, they will build apps such as a chat messenger, a photo editor and a stocks app, and it's ideal for beginners and intermediate developers. Hacking with Swift readers get a 25% discount!

I want to learn SwiftUI

Although Apple's SwiftUI framework is extremely new, many people are keen to find free tutorials, free videos and more to help them learn SwiftUI as quickly as possible. Right now there aren't many resources available, but I have a few that will get you started:

  • The 100 Days of SwiftUI – learn the fundamentals of Swift and SwiftUI in 100 days of free tutorials
  • SwiftUI by Example – my online book teaching SwiftUI for free

Hopefully one of those will get you moving – SwiftUI is great fun to work with!

I like to learn by reading the manual

When the first beta of Swift 1.0 was announced, I remember downloading Apple’s official guidebook and reading it cover to cover. It’s quite dry (by design!), but it is as comprehensive as you can get, and both clear and concise.

If you’re the kind of person who just wants the cold, hard facts of the language, the official Swift reference is exactly what you want – just don’t complain to me if it sometimes feels like you’re reading a dictionary.

You might also find my glossary of common Swift terms a useful companion – it's a quick reference to help you remember words such as closures, conditional conformance, and protocol extension.

I like to learn by examining sample projects

There’s a huge collection of open source Swift code out there to read and learn from, and in fact I’d say you’re spoiled for choice.

You could if you were so inclined just search GitHub for Swift projects, but a much easier thing to do is read this huge list of open source Swift projects that was assembled collaboratively.

I've released on GitHub a collection of projects from some of my Swift books for different platforms:

  • Hacking with macOS – source code
  • Hacking with watchOS – source code
  • Hacking with tvOS – source code

Keep in mind that everyone writes Swift a little differently, so try to refer to a good Swift style guide as you go.

I like to learn by making stuff

I’m a practical learner myself, meaning that I learn best when I use things in a real-world context. Not only does it make it more interesting to read (because let’s face it: we’ve all read enough tutorials that use foo and bar for variable names), but it also helps me fit concepts together into a bigger jigsaw puzzle that I can then apply in my own work.

So, it should come as no surprise that the resource I recommend here is one I wrote myself: Hacking with Swift. It’s made up of 39 complete projects that teach you Swift alongside iOS, plus a large language introduction that teaches you all the essentials.

Hacking with Swift is free to read online, but I also sell a premium edition that includes some bonus material beyond the projects.

I like to learn by watching videos

Many people prefer to watch livestreams or recorded videos to see real Swift in action, which is why I created my Swift in Sixty Seconds series – it breaks down the fundamentals of Swift into videos lasting one minute or less, so there's no time for waffle and no chance to get bored. I also post videos to YouTube about a variety of Swift topics such as architecture and internals – you might want to subscribe to my YouTube channel.

As for other videos, I can highly recommend the work of Sean Allen on YouTube. He posts news, tutorials, and tips on a regular basis, and is never short of fresh ideas.

I like to learn by listening to podcasts

There are lots of Swift podcasts out there you might want to try, all with varying lengths and difficulty levels. Try a few and see which suits your taste:

  • Erica Sadun and I run Swift over Coffee
  • Bas Broek and Benedikt Terhecte run Contravariance
  • Jesse Squires and JP Simard run Swift Unwrapped
  • John Sundell runs Swift by Sundell
  • Steven Berard and Zack Falgout run Fireside Swift

I like to learn with weekly newsletters

Swift slot machine tutorial download

A common way of learning is to get regular news and tutorials delivered to your inbox, and in the Swift world we’re lucky enough to have several to choose from.

By far the largest and most popular is Dave Verwer’s iOS Dev Weekly, and with good reason: Dave and his team work hard to find a good mix of material that covers both code as well as business topics.

For a more technical alternative, Jesse Squires’s Swift Weekly Brief delivers news and discussion on the evolution of Swift itself, and makes for mandatory reading if you’re keen to stay up to date with the language.

You might also want to subscribe to my Swift newsletter, which goes out once a month.

I like to learn by taking classes

If you’re looking for a more formal classroom setting, Stanford publishes a course that teaches iOS app development using Swift. The course is available through iTunes, and gives you both videos, slides, and demo code to work through.

This course is hugely popular with folks who prefer the structure that a classroom approach offers, but be warned: Stanford list the prerequisites as being “C language and object-oriented programming experience exceeding Programming Abstractions level (a different class), and completion of Programming Paradigms (another different class).” So, don’t be surprised to be find that this class assumes you already know a lot.

Swift Slot Machine Tutorial Download

Also, check the publication dates before you start: this class usually trails official Swift releases by about six months.

I like to learn by attending conferences

Thanks largely to Objective-C’s long history, Apple developers have a huge selection of conferences to choose from. Here are some from around the world:

  • France: dotSwift
  • Germany: SwiftConf
  • Germany: UIKonf
  • Italy: Pragma Conference
  • Switzerland: App Builders
  • United Kingdom: Hacking with Swift Live
  • United Kingdom: iOSCon
  • United Kingdom: iOSDevUK
  • United States: AltConf
  • United States: try! Swift
  • United States: WWDC

Feel free to get in touch if I missed your conference!

I like to learn by reading example code

Swift Slot Machine Tutorial Software

Sometimes reading code can be the fastest way to learn, and in the Swift world that’s especially true because so many developers are coming from Objective-C and really just want a Swift translation guide.

If you’re this kind of learner I have some good news: I wrote the Swift Knowledge Base to provide over 600 code samples and language tips to help people learn Swift. The code is organized into categories such as Arrays, Strings, UIKit, and Xcode, but you can also search for specific APIs to get right to something that interests you.

Swift Slot Machine Tutorial For Beginners

SPONSOREDLearn SwiftUI to craft awesome iOS 14 apps! BLCKBIRDS has a new book called Interactive Mastering SwiftUI, designed to teach you all you need to know to build beautiful iOS 14 apps using SwiftUI. Step-by-step, they will build apps such as a chat messenger, a photo editor and a stocks app, and it's ideal for beginners and intermediate developers. Hacking with Swift readers get a 25% discount!